Embeddings of Light: NFT Drop

2 min readFeb 13, 2023


With new product launches ahead in Eveince, we started a small 3D digital art project using Dall-E and Stable Diffusion to share these simple artifacts with whoever likes the idea, forms, and digital arts.

The idea of this project was that embeddings in AI are like stories in our life. We often use the analogy of the refraction of light into spectrums when we explain how we extract information from price candle data in financial markets to manage risk. In this project, we used this concept to create new forms of light and its spectrums. This collection is divided into three parts: Latent Space, Object Space, and Window Space.

Latent Space

These are latent matrices created by spectrums of light. These drawings depict how a finite matrix space of embeddings can define millions of combinations of its underlying data.

Object Space

We created abstract objects to represent abstract concepts on our website or in different documents.

Window Space

We also found a medium that connects these abstract concepts to people; we think windows work the same way in our living spaces. They open a small space to our environment and show us the sunrise, the rain, or the snow. So we here did some experiments too.

Get Access

The Matrix Space and Window Space items are not accessible, but Object Space items are free to grab with a supply of 100 per item. Just send us a quick email at hi at eveince dot com, and we’ll take it from there. It might be good to have your NFT wallet address on Ethereum ready to make the process smooth.

We’ll use these items in our documents and website, but if you own the NFTs, you’ll also have the right to use them if you want. Plus, when Eveince becomes a unicorn, these will be very valuable! 🦄 So grab your wallet!

Collection link: Embeddings of Light
Twitter: Eveince Tech




Eveince is FinTech company, providing a self-driving hedge fund for HNWIs. The funds are developed using AI and ML with quantitative finance approach.